Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bad Doggy

I got the rug in the mail the other day and as I was unrolling it I became overwhelmed, this is really my first big girl purchase for myself and my apartment. As it laid on my floor I wasn't too in love with it, maybe it was the decor around it, but I felt like it just wasn't what I wanted for my TV room. I decided to sleep on the idea of it and waking up the next morning I knew I was going to try and send it back to the factory. 

Then I got a phone call....

My dog had decided to break into the TV room while I was at work and chew on a corner. Yes, I wanted to scream and yes I wanted to throw something. As I calmed down I said to myself..."MAKE IT WORK" (Thanks Tim Gunn). So that's what I am forced to do, but now that I am actually sitting on my futon with the rug under me I'm thinking I can do this rug and I can do this room. 

Some other pieces of furniture showed up in the TV room, my roommate brought in a bar and a chair so I am now incorporating those pieces into the room as well. I decided to spend some time looking around online for pieces with my name written all over it. Here are my finds and they are all under $100.

Bad Doggy
Let me know what you think and see you tomorrow!

Midge xoxo


  1. What did you do to your dog?

  2. I like the rug. It's bold, but it's still classic. The bright accessories will complement it well. You will have to cleverly hide the chewed up corner, though. That might be your biggest challenge.



  3. You are good I like all of it....

  4. The dog just stayed in the crate for a while, I am a total sucker for him.

    Thanks "L", the chewed corner isn't too bad, but I will be bringing in bright accessories for sure

    Thanks Anonymous 3!
