Sunday, February 22, 2015

Skinnytaste: Sausage, Cheese, and Veggie Egg Bake

Ever since I started my Mark Fisher Fitness journey last year, starting with their snatched program that I did for 6 weeks then moving on to their regular class schedule, I have tried to maintain a healthy food intake. In the snatched program they teach you how to eat properly without giving you a meal plan, they want you to figure it out for yourself. They give you the tools: what movements to do for an hour, how many workouts to do a week, what fat, protein, carbohydrate,  percentages you need for your calorie range, and their full attention and support through the whole process. It was an extremely empowering experience to go through. I learned how to care for my long term health and make myself a priority.

Now that I am doing two workouts there a week and trying to do workouts on my own from home, finding the time for working out and eating well has been my biggest challenge. One really needs willpower, presence in every meal, and visualizing the end goal which for me is weight loss and healthy living. I usually plan out my meals and make them every week, but I struggle with sugar, emotional eating, and late night snacking. Engaging in all of those triggers doesn't make me wake up and feel my best the next morning, it doesn't solve any problems or make the stress of life disappear, but eating well and nutritiously daily gives me a boost to know I am strong and can get through any challenges that come my way because I have fought through the food cravings telling myself it isn't worth it in the end. I do believe I have been able to grow leaps and bounds from when I started the snatched program to today.

One of the quotes that MFF used a lot during snatched was taken from Benjamin Franklin, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" so since I want to "win" at maintaining my weight loss, I planned my meals for the week starting with breakfast. I just pulled out of the oven the Sausage, Cheese, and Veggie Egg Bake from Skinnytaste's website.

At only 230 calories, starting my weekly mornings off with a nutritious and easy to warm up breakfast makes me feel like I have the willpower to succeed.

 After sleeping successfully for 8 hours, eating this with some fresh fruit for breakfast, and jumping into this workout from the Girl's Gone Strong website I feel proud of myself and my accomplishments all before noon. 

Midge xoxo

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