Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Real Vs. Fake

Since I can remember my family always had a fake Christmas tree. I still remember my Dad pulling out the long box, opening it up and having to match the branches to their branch home on the base of the tree. I don't know what is really required of having a real tree, but something tells me its a lot of work. I would love to run out and buy a real tree today, but the ease of a fake tree pulls me in closer. Still unsure of what I am going to do this year I have comprised a list of the great point for both real and fake trees.

1. Biodegradable
2. Smells fantastic
3. No chemicals to breathe in
4. For every one tree cut down 2-3 new trees are planted
5. Supporting local business
6. Tradition for some
(image take from

1. No mess to clean
2. Nothing to remember to water
3. Reuse year after year
4. Sometimes less expensive then a real tree
5. Pick your color
(image taken from UULDesign)

What is your choice?
Midge xoxo

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