I know....I know....I went M.I.A, I apologize. I have no excuses because every day I woke up and said to myself "I should blog", but everyday went by and I didn't. I hope to get back into the swing of things and find/make the time again because whether you hate my blog or love it, this blog created a sense of creativity for me and was my own. I don't own much in this world besides a college education I'm paying off and a few pairs of shoes, but this blog was my art when I couldn't put glue stick to paper (I collage as a form of art).
So here are some things that I have been working on when I wasn't blogging.
Currently reading: Jillian Michaels: Unlimited.
(I am trying to be a positive person. Though sometimes she can be a little annoying, she says all the things women who needs some confidence and a push should be told. She inspires me to challenge my mind and go for anything I want.) |
Currently working on: Getting my bootie up and going to the gym every day
Currently wearing: anything I bought 3-4 years ago because I have been trying to save money
Currently loving: bright colored pants
(I love this look, but a little scared on how to pull it off. One big issue I have is that I don't like to wear heels to work. I wonder if the outfit will look the same with flats? I need to get more color in my wardrobe and take some risks) |
Currently wishing I had: endless money
Currently thinking: I may want to go back to being a brunette?
Currently considering: Heading down on my dinner break to the Haute Hippie sample sale and window shop
Currently wearing my hair: Like this....its a non wash hair day
Have a great weekend and I hope to see you Monday!
Midge xoxo